At this CCID Virtual AC this year, we are offering two types of presentations: Faculty Forum and Concurrent Sessions.
The Faculty Forum will feature a panel of colleagues presenting on innovative ways to promote international and intercultural learning. Presentations are 10 minutes each followed by 10-minute facilitated breakout sessions. The Faculty Forum includes group discussion and networking opportunities. Faculty Forum proposals should be one presenter.
Concurrent Session proposals should provide information about a topic with time for Q&A. Presentations will be pre-recorded with a live Q&A session. Presenters should plan on a total of 45 minutes for their session. Concurrent sessions can have multiple presenters.
Pre-recording of sessions: All concurrent sessions will be prerecorded with a live Q&A. If your proposal is selected, we will need a file of your presentation by 1/20/2021. Don’t worry, though, if you need help recording your presentation we are here to help!
Agreement to be available for live Q&A: While prerecording the sessions will minimize technical problems the day of the conference and is a best practice for virtual conference, we want to make sure to include the live interaction that is so important to learning and networking. As a presenter, you must agree to be available immediately after the re-recorded session to interact with the audience and answer questions or facilitate discussion.