In an effort to expand access to international experiences for community college students, Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) is offering student study abroad scholarships of $500 for participation in a global experience.
Eligibility and Participation:
- Eligible global experiences include: short-term faculty led study abroad programs (at least 5 days in length), semester-long study abroad programs or a virtual global learning program (4 weeks minimum).
- Students must be enrolled in at least one class at a CCID member institution at the time of the application and during the eligible program (spring or fall enrollment may count if program is during summer and doesn’t require course enrollment)
- Minimum GPA at time of application is 2.0
- Students must submit a complete application by the deadline of October 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM CT.
- Student must be participating in a global learning experience in a country different from the student’s nationality and/or from the country that issues the student’s passport
- The global learning experience must have a start date between November 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023.
The following factors will be considered in the selection of awardees (not requirements but priority may be given):
- Student has no previous international travel, or limited international travel
- Student belongs to an underrepresented population in study abroad
- The program destination is in Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
Submission requirements:
- Completed online application
- Uploaded word document with answers to 2 application essays
- 1 letter of recommendation from a faculty, administrator or staff member at your institution
Essay prompt: Please prepare one word document (to be uploaded in application) with your answers to BOTH of the prompts below.
- In 250 words or less, tell us what you hope to achieve through the global learning experience. How do you think this will further your understanding of the world and yourself, and how will it benefit your academic, career, or life-long learning goals?
- In 250 words or less, please tell us about how this scholarship will help you achieve your goals to participate in a global learning experience. If you have financial needs, please include this in your answer.
Deadline: October 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM CT
* to check and see if your institution is a CCID member, please see our member map
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Community Colleges for International Development | CCID
20515 State Hwy 249, Suite 11296, Houston, TX